Monday, December 12, 2016

草間 彌生

草間 彌生は日本のアーティストです。彼女はさまざまなメディアをつかいます。草間 彌生 のアートがすきです。ほんとうにぶんかのリーダーです。デザイナーといっしょにしごとをしました!



Monday, November 28, 2016

ニューヨーク: ラーメンのガイド

( さらに、わたしはさいしょくしゅぎしゃです。このラーメンはベジタリアンです。)

1. Chuko Ramen

565 Vanderbilt Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11238


2. Momofuku Noodle Bar

171 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10003 


3. Minca Ramen

536 E 5th St, New York, NY 10009


4. Ippudo Ramen 

65 Fourth Avenue (Between 9th and 10th Street)
New York, NY 10003 



150 Ainslie Street, Brooklyn NY 11211 

ときどき、 ベジタリアンラーメンがあります。
"YUJI RamenはOkonomi代表 原口雄次のポップアッププロジェクトとして誕生しました。日本では貴重価値がある魚でも、アメリカではまだまだ有効活用されていないのが現状です。


Friday, November 25, 2016

Chuko Ramen


Thursday, November 10, 2016

PE Midterm Reflection and Updated Goals

Thank you for reading my blog.
The midterm oral examination was very difficult but I found it to be a useful exercise. I really enjoyed speaking Japanese with my partner and さとう先生. This exam made me realize that even if I understand a certain grammar rule, it can be easy for me to forget it while actually speaking. I often spoke in the wrong tense and made other grammatical errors. I also had a hard time with the pronunciation of certain phrases. Sometimes I would fall into American intonation rather than Japanese intonation. Another difficulty for me was speaking with fluency. さとう先生 helpfully pointed out that speaking with fluency does not necessarily mean speaking quickly, but rather not stumbling over words and awkwardly pausing.

さとう先生 and しばた先生 gave me useful suggestions for how to improve my speaking skills with my new goals in mind.

Updated Goals
1. Improve the grammar of my speech.
2. Improve my intonation and pitch.
3. Speak with more naturalness and ease.
4. Feel less nervous while speaking!

Activities to Achieve These Goals
1. Attend office hours once a week with the purpose of just having conversation in Japanese.
2. Do at least one shadowing exercise a week to improve pitch and intonation.
3. Set up a coffee date once every two weeks with another Japanese student so that we can practice speaking together.
4. Listen to two songs in Japanese a day (sing along as much as possible!)

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

わたしとアルバアトソンさんは フリストでべんきょうします!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Shintaro Sakamoto

こんいちは! Here is a video by a Japanese artist that I really like. He animates and directs the videos and interestingly his titles are always in English but his lyrics are usually in Japanese!


Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Here is a list of my goals for Japanese learning:

1. I want to speak with more fluidity and stutter less while speaking. Often, even when I know what I'm trying to say, I have a hard time getting the sentence out because the sounds are very foreign to me. I think I just need to be more comfortable with the sounds generally so that they become part of my muscle memory. The more I speak, the less I will stutter. My plan is to read a Haiku aloud everyday. Hopefully, by practicing speaking new words, my Japanese will sound smoother overall.

2. I want to work on the rhythm and pitch of my speech. My sense of pitch has never been very good so I found the exercises that involve identifying pitch patterns to be particularly difficult. I feel myself getting a bit better at matching the rhythm of Japanese speakers (though of course I speak much more slowly), but I'm still having a lot of problems hearing the intonation contour of words. In order to improve, besides doing the listening exercises I'm going to listen to a podcast or the news in Japanese at least once a week.

3. I want to work on remembering and formulating sentences more quickly aloud. Even when I know how to articulate something/have the grammar and vocabulary to articulate something, I often flail when I'm actually in conversation and have to conjure it up immediately. Under pressure, I forget a lot of the Japanese that I should be confident saying. I hope to go to the Japanese table at least once every three weeks. This will help my conversation skills and improve my ability to think on the spot.

I think all of these goals will also be achieved my attending office hours as much as possible and listen to music in Japanese (I particularly like Shintara Sakamoto!)

Thanks for reading!

Monday, September 26, 2016

こんにちは!わたしはのなまえあんあです。あめりかじんです。わたしはにゅよくの ぶるっくりんです。 ぷりんすとんだいがくの にねんせえです。のせんこおわひかくぶんがくです。ありがとおございます。

Thursday, September 15, 2016


I'm taking Japanese because it is my hope to one day read Haruki Murakami in Japanese. He is one of my favorite writers and I feel that reading his work in its intended language would be amazing and a completely different experience. I know that I would need to study Japanese for many years to achieve this goal but it is one of driving ideas that has led me to sign up. Last year, I shopped Japanese and loved it but felt too overwhelmed by my whole schedule to continue taking it. Though it probably would have been too much work with the rest of my course load, I did still feel sad that I hadn't been able to continue and so this year I've made the time in my schedule. Comparative Literature is my major so I hope to study Japanese in comparison with French (the other language I'm learning for Comp Lit). When I spoke to the Comparative Literature Department about whether these two languages would cohere well, they said that contrasting these two cultures and their writings would be rich and interesting and they suggested continuing this path.

What I found most exciting this week was writing Hiragana. Though my hand writing is not beautiful and the strokes do not come naturally to me, I love looking at the final product. It's so much more exciting to write than roman characters.  The most difficult thing for me so far has been memorization of what the phrases mean. This kind of memorization is typically very hard for me, so I create my own mnemonic devices, which I will get started on soon. I've loved these first couple of classes!
Thanks for reading!
